
I think i should leave
I think i should leave

i think i should leave
  1. #I think i should leave series
  2. #I think i should leave tv

And he's showing students a video about driving attentively. WELDON: Well, it's going to be difficult to describe, but the one I've watched the most has to be the one with Robinson playing a driver's ed instructor. Are there any of your favorite sketches in Season 2 that you can tell us about? KURTZLEBEN: You know, when I try to talk to friends about the show and describe some of the sketches - because the sketches get so strange, I have found it difficult to describe any of them. And where the first season was about establishing that voice, this second season is really about opening it up and seeing what it can do. Robinson and the show have a deeply idiosyncratic comedy voice that stands out because he's lampooning something that is both really specific and also really of the moment, this culture of outrage that we find ourselves in now. WELDON: Well, you nailed it in your intro.

#I think i should leave series

So what makes the series so popular and so meme-able? As we mentioned, a lot of people have been eagerly awaiting this season's release because Season 1 of "I Think You Should Leave" was such a hit. Glen Weldon is one of the hosts of NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour and recently reviewed the show's new season, and he joins us now to tell us all about it. Some of the sketches are so cringe-inducing that you almost want to stop watching until things get so absurd, you just have to keep watching. KURTZLEBEN: Robinson has a knack for identifying awkward dynamics in your average social or work situation, then blowing them up to epic, absurd proportions. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) I tried to get a video, but I couldn't flip the thing fast enough. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) Oh, my God. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Oh, s***. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As character) That we're going to kill the president. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Saying what?

i think i should leave

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As character) We're not saying that. No one's ever going to see it, unless I hear the story of me housing Dylan's burger down at Graham's Loralei Lounge (ph). UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) It's no big deal. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) What? UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Let me take a video of you saying that you're going to kill the president. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) We're not going to say anything. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Are you going to tell people I did that, that I housed Dylan's (ph) burger?

i think i should leave

#I think i should leave tv

(SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, "I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE WITH TIM ROBINSON") There are four people having dinner at a restaurant and things turn cringy when one of the diners steals another's burger and eats it. We're talking about "I Think You Should Leave," a sketch comedy show from former Saturday Night Live writer and cast member Tim Robinson. You can hear the song in context of the episode by heading over here and jumping to the 9:30 mark, or you can just watch below.One of the internet's most talked about and meme'd about comedy shows has returned for a much anticipated second season this week. Netflix has shared the lyrics, which you can read here. Turnstile’s song is pretty great! It doesn’t sound much like previous Turnstile songs, but once you know it’s them, you can’t unhear it. It turns out that Tim Robinson and Turnstile have been friends for a few years, and there’s a whole lot of photographic evidence of them hanging out together. Wiff asks Robinson for help, revealing that he’s just trashed an entire classroom because he’s heard a new song that’s gotten him “all fucked up.” The chorus goes like this: “Everything you know is all just for show/ I don’t wanna go on listening/ Suits and ties, feed me lies/ I don’t wanna go on listening.” Wiff hears that and thinks that rules no longer apply at all. Spoilers ahead for this paragraph only: Tim Robinson and Biff Wiff, the guy who played Detective Crashmore on the show’s last season, play “shirt brothers” who meet each other at a fourth-grade choir recital. The fourth episode of the new I Think You Should Leave Season has a sketch called Children’s Choir, and that sketch has a song called “Listening.” It’s credited to the Everything-You-Knows, but it’s really Turnstile. And if you’re like me, then you heard a very catchy song during one of Robinson’s sketches, and you thought to yourself, “Wait, do I know this song?” It did not even occur to you that what you were hearing was a new Turnstile song, but that’s what was happening. If you’re like me, you laughed extremely hard, possibly waking up other members of your family, while also feeling like you were going insane. If you’re like me, you got slightly high last night and then proceeded to watch the entire third season of Tim Robinson’s bugged-out Netflix sketch-comedy show I Think You Should leave.

I think i should leave